Auction Catalog

Displaying items 1 - 12 of 93 in total

Honig Vineyard & Winery Eco Tou...

Honig Wine

$25 GC - Pet Food Express

Pet Food Express

$25 Gift Card to Cole Hardware

Cole Hardware

$300 Gift Card to BroadwaySF

Sarah Howard

$50 Gift Card to Craftsman and W...

Craftsman and Wolves

$50 Gift Card to Plow


1 - 9' Specialty Cake with inscr...

Susie Cakes

1 Family Membership to the Conse...

Conservatory of Flowers

1 month unlimited yoga at CorePo...

CorePower Yoga

1 night stay at the Pelican Inn

The Pelican Inn

2 All Day Passes to Tahoe Donner

Tahoe Donner Association

2 Food Books from Chronicle Books

Chronicle Books